It’s been a little over a month since we got the disappointing news that one of our twins had miscarried and only one baby was going to make it. As I wrote before, that was definitely one of the hardest times Jeremy and I had experienced in our marriage, and really in our lives. There were times when I was able to be strong and could talk about it without getting more then a just little teary eyed. And then there were those times when all we could do was just cry and be sad. Every day was different from the next but the one thing that I knew was that we were surrounded by people who love us, both near and far, who were calling, texting, emailing, visiting & us leaving Facebook messages. Your prayers and support were greatly needed and even more so appreciated! I can’t say THANK YOU enough for all of your love!
I have to mention one thing that we were particularly blessed by during this time. I’m not sure if I was more surprised by the “what” or the “who” but I must say that it really helped us get through that first night. In the last 5 years that Jeremy has worked for Sizzling Platter, he has gotten to know quite a few of his coworkers on a personal level. But of all the people in the office, there is a small group of people referred to as “The Band”. The Band consists of Jeremy, Sa-le & Josh. The nickname started when the guys were constantly setting up and tearing down sound equipment for various training events throughout the company. What started as a joke turned into a nickname that has stuck ever since. The Band has done a lot together professionally… traveling for two weeks at a time to open new restaurants, filming training and promotional videos, running mid-year conferences off of 15 minutes of sleep, job promotions and changes in positions, as well as many other successes. The Band has also been through a lot personally… weddings, birthdays, babies, hospital visits, kava nights, BBQ’s, fantasy football drafts, and the list goes on…
Anyway, the evening after our doctor appointment, Josh sent Jeremy a text with his condolences and offered to bring us dinner. Jeremy said thanks but not to worry about driving so far out of the way. Josh responded by saying they cared too much not to make the trip. 45 minutes later he and Sa-le were at our door delivering a full care package of all kinds of yummy things. Instead of ordering us take-out that they knew would be cold and soggy by the time they reached our house waaayyy out in Eagle Mountain, they brought pre-prepared food from Red Robin (an SPI restaurant of course) that only needed a quick zap in the microwave… Jeremy’s favorite teriyaki chicken, mac ‘n cheese, and apple pie. Along with that they brought mini cartons of ice cream, my favorite Jr. Mints & Cadbury chocolate, donuts, and a Redbox movie! I’m not sure if I was more surprised by how much thought went into picking out each item or the fact that they were willing to drive 35 minutes south of the office when they live 45 minutes in the opposite direction! We ended up spending over an hour visiting with them. It was so nice to have some lighthearted conversation and it was helpful in reminding us that we would get through this difficult time. I am so thankful for these friends!