Evangeline turned 8 months old on Friday. And as if time wasn’t already moving quickly enough, having a summer packed full of fun things has just made it seem to go by that much faster. But more on those fun things later. I was about to post her 7 month update until I noticed that I’m further behind then I thought. So here are some highlights from the last two months!
Evangeline - 6 months old |
-- We’re finally settling into a more predictable schedule this month. It’s so nice to be able to plan ahead and know that with few exceptions, you wake up around 8am, nap from 10-12 and 3-5 and go to bed at 8:30. You’re also back to loving your crib. Often times, when I lay you down for your naps, you’ll lean your head back until you feel it hit the mattress, then you pop your thumb in your mouth, take a deep breath, close your eyes and you’re out! Sometimes you’ll cry when I start to walk out of the room but it never lasts long. This is such a HUGE change from the last few months!
-- The day before you turned 6 months, you got your first taste of solid food. We fed you avocado and you L.O.V.E.D it! By the end of the month you had tried Rice and Oatmeal Cereal, Avocado, Bananas, Apples, Plums, Sweet Potato and Peas. Sweet Potato and Avocado seem to be your favorite, and Peas are definitely your least favorite (who can blame you!), but you are a good eater and have yet to spit anything out.
-- Your hair is getting long enough now where the sides are starting to grow over your ears like Daddy’s does when he needs a haircut. I can’t wait until it’s long enough to pull back with pretty clips and put into pigtails and braids!
-- Sometimes you smile so big that you crinkle your nose, squint your eyes and flash your one tooth. I call it your scrunchy smile and I love it!
-- You’ve learned how to give kisses. This might be my favorite milestone yet! There is just nothing better then one of your slobbery smooches, especially when you grab my face with your hands and lean in. I love love love it!
Evangeline loves her Aunt Jen! |
-- At the end of 6 months and beginning of 7 months you went on your first road trip and were fantastic! You didn’t take as long of naps as you usually do, but you rarely got fussy and seemed to enjoy the adventure. We drove from Utah to Seattle and were gone for just over two weeks. You were a great sleeper almost everywhere we went and you had a LOT of people loving on you! All our family and friends couldn’t wait to see you, hold you, kiss you and play with you and you definitely turned the charm on!
-- Your personality is really developing and starting to shine through. Your Daddy and I both agree that Joy is the perfect middle name for you! You are so full of joy, waking up with a smile in the mornings and squawking and smiling all day long (squawking is still your form of laughter). You also bring a tremendous amount of joy to us, your grandparents and family and just about everyone that spends time with you or gets one of your adorable scrunchy smiles!
Favorite Toys: Bird Car Seat Pull Toy, Jumparoo, Sophie, Lovie Lamb
Favorite Foods: Avocado, Apples & Sweet Potatoes
Evangeline - 7 months |
-- You love to shout and squeal and have learned how to do it even louder and longer this month.
-- You are constantly bouncing! Every time you try to stand up you are always bouncing away and have gotten really good at bouncing in your jumperoo and in the excersaucers at church.
-- We started putting you in the nursery at church once we got back from our trip to Seattle. You were 7 ½ months and you seem to do pretty well, even though it’s during one of your feedings and nap time. I think I’m the one with separation anxiety at this point!
-- You seem to know the difference between people you know and strangers now. You are usually still very friendly with strangers, smiling at them, laughing and sometimes letting them hold you, however, sometimes you put your arms out for mommy or daddy to take you back.
Discovering the baby in the mirror |
-- You have learned when you are funny and will repeat things that make us laugh. You are also ticklish now, especially on your sides and feet.
-- You are constantly trying to reach for anything and everything within sight. Unless you are busy sleeping or nursing, you are reaching for something, and sometimes even while you are sleeping or nursing! You have mastered the art of “swiping”, so nothing within reach is safe! I’ve also given up on wearing any jewelry these days because it’s just too tempting for your little hands to tug on.
-- Daddy taught you how to hold onto two of your stacking rings, one in each hand, and tap them together. I love watching you two play this new game. He’ll give you the rings, pick up two of his own, start tapping them and then you’ll follow. After a few taps, you throw your hands up in the air which sends your rings flying and then try and grab Daddy’s and it starts all over again.
She loves those puffs |
-- Bath time is still your favorite time of day. You take baths in the big tub now and you love to splash and reach around for toys, especially your rubber duckies and stacking cups.
-- You have started showing an interest in books (other then just chewing on the covers and pulling on the pages!). You will actually sit still, listen and watch the pictures as I turn the pages. I love reading to you, especially stories from your children’s bible.
-- You learned how to clap. However, this is a story deserving of it’s own post…
Favorite Toys: Jumparoo, Fisher Price Stacking Rings, Wooden Blocks & Bucket
New Foods: Carrots, Butternut Squash, Green Beans, Apricots, Peaches, Raspberries (thanks to Grandpa!), Grapes (in a mesh feeder) and Puffs (which you LOVE!)