Once again I'm feeling very behind on my posts. There are so many fun things we did this summer that are worthy of documenting. However, while I get those organized (why does uploading pictures onto blogger have to take FOR.EV.ER?!), I'll leave you with this...
Utah is known for it's amazing lightening storms, especially in late August. A few weeks ago we had a storm that seemed to go directly over our house. We watched it start in the distance from our back door. As it moved closer it seemed like lightening was going to strike right in our own back yard. Until finally it passed to the front of our house and moved north. The crashes of thunder were so deep and loud, and for a few minutes were immediately following the flashes of lightening so we knew it was just as close as it felt! I couldn't resist grabbing the camera and attempting to catch a bolt or two. Using just a simple point and shoot really doesn't do it justice, but trust me, it was the most amazing storm I've even seen!
Here is some video. I apologize for my annoying gasps; there were a few times where I felt like the lightening was going to hit my toes! The last one I got on video startled me so much I ran inside so the thunder gets cut off.
Skip to about 50 seconds an watch for 2 bolts of lightening.
Summer Storm from Natalie Sanchez on Vimeo.