Did I seriously just start a blog?! I hate writing! Always have. What am I getting myself into?!
Well, maybe hate is a strong choice of word, but I've never felt I was any good at writing. I avoided English classes in college like the plague, I always waited until the morning of to write my papers and I've never successfully kept a journal. So what makes me think I can write a blog? Jeremy's been wondering the same!
The answer is simple though... because I think it will be fun! And when the fun wears off, then it will be my motivation. To do more house projects, or take more pictures, or just simply get more tech savvy. I guess it's the challenge of the commitment that has me intrigued. Whatever my reason-of-the moment, I'm excited to have a small piece of our lives documented. And if that means that no one else reads this blog but me, well then, that's just fine.
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