We waited a day to let it all settle in, and then the phone calls began. That is when the chaos started and it has yet to slow down. It was so fun to tell our family and friends. We got some great reactions as I think everyone was just as shocked as we were.
Emma was the only one that wasn’t quite sure how to respond. She said she wasn’t sure if she was ready to be Aunt Emma just yet. And let’s be honest, at 7 years old, who is ready to be an Aunt!? Since I’m not due until the fall, I promised her she wouldn’t be an Aunt until she was in the second grade, just so she’d know she had some time to think about it!
We got to share the news over Skype with Traci and Toney and that was great! They were about 12 weeks pregnant themselves at the time and we had all been praying that just maybe the Lord would allow us to be pregnant together. Let’s just say there were lots of tears and screams!
On Saturday we walked over to Isaac and Suzie’s house to share the news with them. That was a funny moment! Their two older girls, Emmy and Joelle, were supposed to be in the middle of a nap but were having too much fun playing to sleep, so when we got there Isaac was upstairs with them. Suzie was in the shower and it just seemed like a bad time for us to stop by and hang out. But we couldn’t wait any longer to share the news with them! So Jeremy just blurted it out to Isaac, “Dude, we’re gonna have a kid!” (That seemed to be his phrase of choice in announcing the news!) He immediately went to get Suzie out of the shower. I think he said something along the lines of “You’ve got to get out of the shower right now and come downstairs. Jeremy and Natalie are here and have something to tell you!” Of course she figured it out right way and came racing downstairs pretty shortly after. We all just laughed and then Suzie shared her pregnancy “library” with me. She had all the books I could have wanted and I’m so thankful she was willing to pass them on! One of the first pages I flipped to in the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting was a page with a drawing of a mother nursing twins. I laughed, showed the picture to Suzie and said “Wow! That looks overwhelming!” If I only knew…
Sharing the news seems to be just one of the many exciting and fun parts of being pregnant, but along with the good comes the bad! Just as we had made all the phone calls to our parents, grandparents, siblings and a few friends (wow, that cell phone bill was out of control!) the infamous pregnancy symptoms started to set in. First came the exhaustion – extreme exhaustion – and then the unsettled rumbling stomach. (No morning sickness yet, and from what I understand, that is something to be thankful for!) I was feeling downright miserable and for some reason I felt guilty about it. Everyone that I talked to kept reassuring me how normal these feelings were but there was nothing NORMAL about how I was feeling! I kept thinking that maybe my body was just not responding well to being pregnant, that maybe I’m not cut out for this! No amount of sleep seemed to be helping and even just sitting upright was wearing me out! My house was quickly becoming a mess but I just couldn’t seem to function at all! Week 7 came and went, then Week 8 and Week 9 and I still wasn’t feeling good. People kept promising me that I’d start feeling better in the second trimester, at week 12 or 13, but that seemed sooo far away! At one point I jokingly told Jeremy “I swear my symptoms are even worse then anyone understands. I better be having twins because there is just no other explanation for this!” I couldn’t wait for my first doctor appointment at Week 10 to ask if there was anything that could help!
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