Happy Leap Day! Squeezing one more in for this month...
11 Months |
-- On the night you turned 11 months, when Daddy and I were getting you ready for bed, you looked right at me and perfectly clear and slow said “Mommy”. OH.MY.GOSH I about died! This was officially your first word and my heart melted. By the end of this month your vocabulary included: mommy, daddy, apple, baby, puppy, ball, cup, owl, nose, Addie… your best buddy.
-- From the time you started sleeping through the night at about 2 months old we have followed a fairly predictable routine. That routine has adjusted as you've gotten older (3 naps a day turned into 2 and introducing solid foods adjusted your nursing schedule), but everything got thrown out the window this month! You seem to be able to go with the flow but I think I'm the one having a harder time without a more predictable schedule!
-- You are learning the different animal sounds and so far have a dog and an owl of all things mastered. Dogs definitely seem to be your favorite animal so far.
-- You know where your nose, eyes, ears and have learned how to sign “more”
-- You are starting to mimick some of the things we do. My favorite is when you tickle your belly and say your version of “tickle, tickle, tickle” with such anticipation. It sounds more like “tic, tic, tic”… so cute!
-- When we sing to you it seems like you are so intent on trying to sing along. You also are constantly babbling and even will whisper to yourself while you play. My favorite is when you say, “Dubba dubba dubba dubba duh”
-- This month you learned how to brush your hair
-- You are starting to play more independently this month and I must say it is so nice for me. I love watching you pick out which toys you want to play with and being so imaginative as you babble things to them. It never lasts long, but at least I can get a load of laundry folded sometimes!
-- Whenever you hear even the faintest music you immediately start bopping your head and swinging your arms side-to-side… whether we’re at home, in a restaurant, at church or in a store, you never miss a beat!
-- You have a very particular smile that you flash to strangers while we are in public. It’s sort of a courtesy smile – quick and to the point - but it’s totally contagious and seems to get you a lot of attention. It’s almost as if you are saying, “Yep, I know I’m cute. Have a nice day!”
-- You are becoming quite the snuggle bug these days. You love to rest your head on my shoulder and snuggle up after your naps and even just randomly throughout the day. There really is nothing better then your kisses and snuggles… I love that you are at an age when you can express your love!
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Favorite Toys this Month: non-toys (my makeup especially), clicking doll and kitty-cat, balls, & baby dolls
New Foods: Spaghetti (your new favorite), crackers, mandarin oranges (another favorite), bananas (I'm sure there are more that I can't think of...)
i am so in love with this little girl i've never met. you and jer are so fun to watch as parents. i love your blog so much. evangaline is such a kick in the pants. you get me so excited for every stage with wyatt chick! xoxo!