Evangeline turned 15 months old yesterday so it's about time I finally finish up these monthly updates. I think I've said this with every stage in her baby development so far but being her momma just keeps getting more fun! This girl has loads of personality. Of course there are still many challenges...
(Why does she have to say the word "no" with such enthusiasm?! And why can I not leave the house without first making multiple trips out to the car to make sure I've got all the "essentials"?!)
...but every day I am blown away by her beauty, her sweet affection, her humor (this girl knows the art of timing!), and her brilliance.
It is true what they say about life. It goes by so fast! Much too fast, in fact, when you are watching the first year of your child's life whiz on by. I tried to soak up as much of this beautiful time in our lives as I could. I took way too many pictures. Captured just a hint of how adorable she is on video. Wrote down as much as I could so that I can always remember even the littlest details. And tried to enjoy every last moment no matter how sleep deprived or overwhelmed I was. And although I miss so many of the things that have already changed about her, I am beyond excited for what this next year will bring.
P.S. I think I’ll calm down with these monthly updates. Maybe I’ll do them quarterly or something, but for now, here is what month 12 looked like around here:
(Why does she have to say the word "no" with such enthusiasm?! And why can I not leave the house without first making multiple trips out to the car to make sure I've got all the "essentials"?!)
...but every day I am blown away by her beauty, her sweet affection, her humor (this girl knows the art of timing!), and her brilliance.
It is true what they say about life. It goes by so fast! Much too fast, in fact, when you are watching the first year of your child's life whiz on by. I tried to soak up as much of this beautiful time in our lives as I could. I took way too many pictures. Captured just a hint of how adorable she is on video. Wrote down as much as I could so that I can always remember even the littlest details. And tried to enjoy every last moment no matter how sleep deprived or overwhelmed I was. And although I miss so many of the things that have already changed about her, I am beyond excited for what this next year will bring.
P.S. I think I’ll calm down with these monthly updates. Maybe I’ll do them quarterly or something, but for now, here is what month 12 looked like around here:
12 months old - Happy Birthday Evangeline! |
-- This month we had another well baby check up and everything went great. You now weigh a tiny 16.5 pounds and are 28 inches long. You are wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes but you’re still not filling them out and your tiny feet are a size 2.
-- You’ve started stacking your blocks this month and so far can make a tower 3 blocks high. Your daddy is thrilled about this! He’s been trying to teach you how to stack your blocks for such a long time and is so proud that he taught you this trick.
-- Clearly you have noticed me on my phone a time or two, or twenty-thousand because when you get your hands on a cell phone you know just what to do. You put it up to your ear and start babbling away.
-- You are really starting to show how much of a daddy’s girl you are. You light up as soon as you hear the garage open when he gets home from work, you love to hear his voice over the phone and you get so excited when you see pictures of him, pointing and saying “Dadda!” over and over.
-- We got you a wooden push toy for Christmas that seems to be a big hit. You have quickly learned how to walk behind it and are getting faster every day. Daddy and I always cheer you on saying, “Go! Go! Go! Go!”. You must have caught on because now you call your push toy your “Go-Go”.
-- Throwing food on the floor has become a daily occurrence and I must say this really bugs me! I hate sticky messy floors but I hate cleaning them even more! Daddy taught you to keep your food on your tray by tapping on the tray of your highchair saying “on your tray” when it seems like the chosen food item of the night might go flying. We definitely know you understand because many times after you throw a piece of food, you’ll then shake your head no and tap your tray. Watching you learn these lessons can be a little frustrating but is usually just pretty funny.
-- You have really taken an interest in your books. It seems like most days there are books strewn all over the house. You love to flip through them and babble to yourself as if you are reading, and you never turn down story time. I’m so glad you finally seem interested in books!
-- Your hair is now long enough to be pulled back into low pigtails. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cuter…
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bed head on the left, adorable piggies on the right |
-- You learned how to say and wave “bye bye”, can do the spider motions for The Itsy Bitsy Spider song and ask to see Elmo all day long (we have a few apps on our phones with Elmo in them that you love).
-- You learned how to turn light switches on and off this month as well as how to balance things on your head. Items from your toy picnic basket, your sippy cup, etc… you’re such a smarty pants!
-- You climb all over everything! I’m amazed at how strong your legs are even though you are not quite walking yet. You like to try to climb into your dresser drawers, in the fridge and up the back of the couch.
-- This month we celebrated your first birthday, Daddy’s 30th birthday, Great-Grandmother Carol’s 80th birthday, and Christmas! I’ll save the birthday details for another post…
New Foods This Month: cupcakes & chocolate (for your birthday of course!)
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